2017年2月23日 Update

5 Tips on how to stop coughing

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How to stop coughing soon

Coughing is very frustrating and painful too.
If you have a cough trouble, just try to do below's methods.
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1. Drink hot herbal tea with honey and lemon

Choose a non-caffeinated tea and put some honey and sliced lemon in the cup and pour hot water.
Drink the tea before bed or when you are coughing.
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2. Use a humidifier

Humidifiers can help to stop your coughs.
You have to keep humidity levels at 40%~60%.
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3. Stay upright while sleeping

You should prop up your head with pillows while sleeping.
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4. Stay away from smokers

You should stay away from smokers and people who use strong perfumes.
Strong fragrance can cause people to cough a lot.
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