2017年4月12日 Update

How to choose the right supplements and vitamins

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Do you eat some supplements every day?

Yes, I do.
I eat supplements which are vitamin C, Iron, Olive leaf, and Zinc every night. The reason why I chose these kinds of supplements are my blood lack of Hemoglobins, easy to tired, and want to smooth my skin. We need to know how to choose the right supplements for our body.
Here are some tips to choose the right vitamin and supplements.
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Think your body type and lifestyle

You need to know what is a lack of your body in your lifestyle. For me, my blood is lacking Hemoglobins, so I need to take an Iron.
If you are vegetarian, you should avoid eating vitamin B12 which is mostly found in animal products.
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Check the ingredients

When you choose some supplements, you should check the ingredients of the label on the package, not just brand. Many people prefer the brand's name, but honestly, It's more important the ingredients than brand's name.
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When should you take vitamins?

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Most supplements are written that taking vitamins with meals for better absorption.
In the morning? At night?
Some experts recommended taking supplements before bed with the meal. Therefore, it's better to eat them with dinner.

Do children need multivitamins?

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The same theory for adults applies to children in that a supplement is meant to supplement a healthy diet. Since many adult formulas supply doses which exceed the RDIs, a child over 2 years old should take a children’s multi containing vitamins, minerals and iron.
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