2017年4月21日 Update

Do you know why chewing food is important for your health?

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Are you chewing your food properly?

When you eat your foods, are you chewing its properly?
Chewing foods are the most important for your health and an essential part of digestion.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (18295)

Why you should chew your food properly?

Boost nutrient absorption

Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (18327)

The more you chew, the more nutrients you will absorb. Considering we eat to nourish our bodies, this is an important point to make. If you properly chew your food, it will be digested and metabolized more effectively.

Easier digestion

Digestion is a very demanding task for your body.
Chewing properly break down your foods faster.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (18332)

Healthy weight

Eating slowly and can help you to eat less and lose weight too.
It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to signal to your stomach that you are full.
What is a Healthy Weight? - Big Y® World Class Market® (18336)

Enjoy your food

When you take the time to eat foods, you can enjoy the flavors and absorb a lot of nutrition.
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