2017年1月11日 Update

Be Careful!! Taking Too Many Vitamins Are Dangerous For Your Health

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Are you taking many kinds of vitamin supplements for a day?

Taking too many vitamin pills increases some risks of your body. You have to follow the recommended daily amount of pills.
Vitamin Overdose: Taking Too Many Vitamins Can Be Bad For Your Health, But How Many Would It Take To Kill You? (14097)

Don't mistake your thinking

Most people think "If one is good, then more is probably better." But that is not true. Taking too many vitamins you need is maybe bad for your health.
The problem with taking too many vitamins - BBC News (14102)

Heart disease and cancer

Nowadays, a new study has found taking too many vitamins can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.
My life with secondary breast cancer, the hidden disease | Health | Life & Style | Daily Express (14104)

Taking extra vitamins “does more harm than good” and increases the risk of cancer and heart disease, a major study has revealed.
wo trials of beta-carotene supplements found taking more than the recommended dose increased the risk of developing lung cancer and heart disease by 20%.

Meanwhile another trial of 35,000 people between 2001 and 2014 in the States found taking too many vitamin E tablets increased the risk of developing prostate cancer by 17%.

The best way eats a meal for three times each day regularly before taking some pills

You have to eat a meal for three times every day. When you don't have time, at least twice a day.
It’s Not About What You Eat; It’s About How You Eat! (14109)

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