2017年1月23日 Update

Is the Blue Lights Really Bad? Here Are Possible Health Problems of Staring at a Screen Too Long.

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We cannot live without screens.

We watch TV, use laptop, obsessed with social media on a smartphone screen…
We all heard of that we should not look at screens before going to bed.
What are the possible damages you might get?

Why do we need to care about screens and blue lights?


Our eyes are sensitive. Especially blue lights. Human eyes do not have sufficient filters to protect the eye from blue lights. There are many possible health damage because of this reason.

Inner Clock


Exposure to lights suppresses melatonin, a hormone that affects on your inner clock. This is why you cannot sleep when you look at a screen before going to bed.

Diabetes and obesity

A study showed that exposure to blue light may possibly have a connection to diabetes and obesity.

A Harvard study shed a little bit of light on the possible connection to diabetes and possibly obesity. The researchers put 10 people on a schedule that gradually shifted the timing of their circadian rhythms. Their blood sugar levels increased, throwing them into a prediabetic state, and levels of leptin, a hormone that leaves people feeling full after a meal, went down.

Might hurt your eyes


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