2017年1月17日 Update

7 quick ways to relax before going to bed to sleep better at night

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Feel so tired at night and want to be refreshed the next morning?

Don't forget to take a time to get relaxed before going to bed.
It is important to sleep better!
Here are 7 easy ways to get relaxed quickly!

Deep breathing

You don't have to meditate or anything, but just take a time to breathe deeply for 5 - 10 minutes before going to bed.
You'll feel relaxed after focusing on you breathing.

Chamomile tea

Herb tea like chamomile tea is known for its relaxing effects.
If you've never try it, you will be surprised at how ready you get to go to bed after drinking chamomile tea.

Avoid screens

Avoid TV, computer, phone, all those screens.
The lights from screens will keep you up. Also, checking work-related stuff will make you think about work when you are supposed to get rest.


Instead of staring at screens, you can read.
Those who don't like reading because books make you sleepy, why don't you read before going to bed? It's perfect for you!

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