2017年4月17日 Update

You Can't Stop Eating? Here are The Tips to Forget That You Are Hungry

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You want to eat less but you are always hungry?


You are trying to eat less, but you keep getting so hungry all the time? Here are ways to forget about your cravings and to keep you away from eating.

Hide the snack


Even if you are hungry, you won't eat anything if you don't have anything to snack on in your reach. Also, if you have food in your sight, it can make you want to eat it. Put away the food in front of you.

Eat nuts


If you are going to snack on something, choose nuts. 1 ounce of nuts can make you forget about your craving.

Drink water


When you feel hungry, drink water first. It can fill your stomach for a while and distract you from cravings. Also, hydration is a key to stay healthy!

Take a nap


If you want to eat just because you need to refresh, 15 minutes power nap will do the same thing without giving you calories.
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