2017年1月17日 Update

7 quick ways to relax before going to bed to sleep better at night

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Write diary

If you tend to overthink about what happened on that day, write down all those thoughts.
You'll feel a lot better. And you can go to bed without thinking too much.

Think about a positive thing of the day

If you don't like keeping diary or you want to something more easy, think about one positive thing of the day. Forget about bad things. Just focus on positive things before going to bed, even if it is a tiny thing.
Today is a Good Day @AONASTY by Ali O. | WHI (14653)

Make a list

If you are thinking about the next day in bed, put all the ideas into a list, so you can actually leave the plans for tomorrow.
Once you put it on paper, it won't bother you when you are trying to sleep!

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