2017年1月17日 Update

Which is better, showering at night or in the morning? Here are the answer!

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This is one of the questions many people have had...

Is it better to take shower at night or in the morning?
They have different benefits.
Decide which one is the best for you!

Pros of taking shower in the morning

For people with oily skin, you can get better results with morning shower.
When you take shower in the morning, you can wash off the oils from sleeping at night.

If you are not good at getting up in the morning, morning shower will be a good habit to wake you up!

Cons of taking shower in the morning

If you have dry skin, you want to avoid taking shower in the morning.
The oils you need during the day will be washed off in the morning shower.

If you want to spend long time in shower, morning would not be a good choice.
Morning shower tends to be quicker than the one at night.

Pros of taking shower at night

Night shower will let you go sleep better.
You can wash off the sweat before going to bed and you can relax.

If you want to get a better skin, taking shower at night is recommended.
You don't want to go to bed with any makeup or dirt left on your face. It can be a cause of acne skin.
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