2016年11月14日 Update

Do You Know "International NO Diet Day" on 6 May Every Year?

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☆International No Diet Day is celebrated every year on 6 May☆

INTERNATIONAL NO DIET DAY 2016 – Killer Kurves (8039)

International No Diet Day is celebrated every year on 6 May in efforts to promote body acceptance and body shape diversity. It is aimed at raising awareness about the potential dangers of unhealthy dieting and questions the concept of one "right" body shape for everyone.

History of "No Diet Day"

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International No Diet Day was first celebrated in the UK in 1992. However, countries across the globe, including the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, India and others, have also begun celebrating the day to help raise awareness about weight discrimination, fat phobia and size bias.
There has been a movement in recent years to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth. Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy life styles at all body types. This holiday has been found to be most promoted in those countries that have feminist movements going strong.

Top 10 quotes on body acceptance and no dieting from Hollywood A-listers

・Kim Kardashian

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I might have a little bit of cellulite. I might not be toned everywhere. But accepting that just empowers me.

・Kate Upton

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I want to enjoy life, and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable.

・Gabourey Sidibe

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