2016年12月25日 Update

Here is your very private training app. Elvie, the exercise tracker for your pelvic floor.

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Have you heard of vagina exercise tracker?


Here is one to improve your health from inside!


Elvie, the small yet powerful exercise tracker for your pelvic floor.

Five-minute workouts for your pelvic floor
Better core strength, control, and yes, even better sex.

See your pelvic floor exercises in real time with the Elvie app. As you squeeze, the gem lifts, guiding you through the workout.

What are the benefits?


Without regular exercise, pelvic floor muscles are likely to cause more than half of all women bladder, sex or prolapse problems. Physical activities and life events, like impact sports, pregnancy, and giving birth weaken these muscles. When done correctly, simple exercise develops muscle tone and maintains strength.

How does it work?

The Elvie device works in conjunction with a companion app. The two communicate via Bluetooth — the device’s BT radio remains outside the body so there’s no chance of the signal being blocked during use (in a very cute and clever piece of industrial design the radio is located in the Elvie’s tail).

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