2016年9月8日 Update

Easy Ways to Increase Water Intake Everyday!

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As you know, drinking water is very important to you body!


You need water to fuel these everyday activities. Good ol’ H2O maintains body fluids and hydrates muscles, and keeps the digestive system moving. Water is also Mother Nature’s original appetite suppressant, filling the stomach to reduce overeating.

For some people, it is hard to drink more water everyday.
Here are tips for increasing water intake!

Drink water before every meal or snack.


One simple way to increase water intake is to create this healthy habit: before each meal, even breakfast or a snack, drink a half glass or full glass of water.

Eat water enriched food!


Get sneaky by eating water enriched foods like watermelon or tomatoes- both over 90 percent made of water not to mention delicious and healthy for you!

Keep a water bottle with you!


Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Sipping from a water bottle can seem less daunting than pouring a big glass of water and forcing yourself to drink it all. Whenever you think about it, take a drink from your bottle. An attractive bottle might make you less likely to “forget” your water bottle at home, too.

Try fruit infused water

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