2016年9月11日 Update

Simple Changes You Can Make Today to Have a Healthier Life

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You don't need a big change for a healthier life!

Let's start with these small changes!

Breathe Deeply


My therapist suggested deep breathing as a tool to manage stress. I teach eighth-grade math, and my stress level is pretty high on some days. I breathe in to a slow count of five, hold for a slow count of five, then slowly release to a count of five. This instantly calms me down and keeps me centered. Think of it as a three-minute break that you can take anytime, anywhere.

Using Stairs


We’ve heard the tip a million times, so here it is for the millionth plus one. If the option’s available, go the old-fashion route and climb the stairs to burn some extra calories.

Get the Sunlight


Sun breeds life. So, what better way to make a lifestyle change than by basking in the glory of the source of life itself? Several varieties of diseases can be fought and defeated with the help of the Vitamin D that sunlight provides you with. The risk of heart disease and cancer, among other things has proven to have gone down due to exposure to Vitamin D. Of course, spending too long out in the sun can be harmful too what with heat strokes and skin burns. Be careful but try to soak up as much sunlight as you can for good health.

Use a small plate


Wait at least five minutes before refilling your plate to evaluate whether or not you really need seconds.
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