Not Successful Weight Loss? Here Are the Tips to Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals


Want to lose weight sooner?

To lose weight fast, people tend to set unrealistic weight loss goals, and either fail to lose weight or succeed in an unhealthy way. How can we lose weight in a proper way? We need a realistic plan for that. Here are tips to make a doable weight loss plan.

Need specific goals

What we need is to make the goals specific and measurable. In this way, you can be clear about what you are going for and see the progress.

Know your goal weight

Everyone's body is different. The important thing is to know your goal. Don't try to be like others. There are many different methods to find the ideal body weights based on your heights, lifestyle, and other factors. Before starting the weight loss plan, find your ideal weight.

Know how long it will take

You cannot lose weight in a day. You need to know how long it will take you to be the ideal weight. The healthy weight loss will allow you to lose 0.5 to 2 pounds weekly. Calculate how long it will take to achieve the goal and understand it. Don't rush.

Know what it will take to get there

As the goals have to be specific and measurable, calorie control is something you need to think about. Think about how much you eat and how much you burn with exercise.

Set smaller goals for the big goal

Long term goals are easy to be forgot, so divide the long-term goal into small ones. Let's say if you want to lose 40 pounds in a year, set a smaller goal to lose 4 pounds every month. You can focus on the small goal and work on the bigger goal slow and steady.

Make small changes that you can actually do

Let's say you decided to eat healthy, can you change your eating habits so quickly? Instead of making a big change all of sudden, try to make a change step by step. For example, if you want to stop eating out and start cooking, start with doing it a couple times a week. Getting used to small changes is a key to make a big successful change.

Be flexible as you go

Things don't go as you planned. Be flexible to change courses as you go.Reassess the plan every month, if you achieve the smaller goals you set or how i did go wrong. Based on the initial plan, making adjustments to achieve the grand goal.