2017年3月21日 Update

Easy Pilates Routines for Beginners That Work Your Body Core!

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Have you tried pilates?

Here are easy pilates routines for beginners. Even though the movements are simple and easy, they work so well on the body core!

The Hundred

This is very basic of pilates. It increases the blood flow and warms you up.

Lie faceup and bring knees in toward chest. Lift head, neck, and shoulders off mat and stretch hands by sides with palms facing floor. Extend legs to a 45-degree angle with heels together and toes apart (the Pilates stance). Pump arms up and down while breathing in and out through the nose for 5 counts each. Repeat for 10 sets.

Rolling Like A Ball

This simple movement working your abs also stretches and massages your back at the same time.

Come into a seated position, knees bent, feet pointed, with just your toes touching the floor (a). Grasp the back of each thigh with each hand, and lift your legs up. Keep your knees shoulder-distance apart, and lower your head between your knees (b). Inhale, exhale, deepening your abdominals, practicing your balance, for two breaths (c). Rock back to your shoulder tips (never onto your head or neck), then back up, finding your balance for a moment. Repeat five times.

Criss Cross


1. Lie on your back, reach your hands behind your head.
2. Bring your legs up to tabletop position, one at a time.
3. Squeeze your inner thighs together.
4. On the exhale, rotate your ribcage to the left.
5. Bend left knee and bring it toward your right arm.
6. Switch, bringing your right knee as close as you can to your left arm.

Shoulder Bridge

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