2017年3月13日 Update

What Are Good Natural Sweeteners? Here are 6 Natural Sweeteners

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sugae is pink olso..!🌼🌸 by polly | WHI (17202)

Sugar is used in almost everything we eat and drink, unless you are very careful about this. If you want to get the sweetness from something more natural, try these natural sweeteners that doesn’t harm your health.

Maple Syrup

Even though it has the maple taste, it can be used instead of sugar. Maple syrup is very sweet and people tend to use it as much as they want, but this is still sugar. Be careful how much you use.


Raw honey has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes. It gives you a lot more than just sweetness.


Stevia is known as a sweetener with no calorie. Some people don’t like the taste, but if you don’t mind it, you can enjoy the sweetness without feeling guilty.

Coconut Sugar

It is made by boiling and dehydrating sap from coconut trees. It looks and taste similar to brown sugar.


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