2017年1月3日 Update

New Year! New Journal! Benefits of Keeping a Journal or a Diary!

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Setting time aside to write, whether morning or evening, is an act of discipline. And discipline begets discipline. Like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. And habits formed in one area of life have a tendency to spread; as keeping your office clean leads to keeping the bedroom tidy, your daily practice of writing will domino onto other healthy habits.

Cope with fears


I started a journal to help with my anxiety. At first I was afraid to write about my fears. I only wrote about happy shit. As you get stronger and more confident you will find that you are able to open up. Which is strong. I fear death. And I fear that my writing will suck. I want you to like this. There you go. Suck it, fears!

Better relationship with others


Writing about misunderstandings rather than stewing over them will help you to understand another’s point of view. And you just may come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.
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