2017年1月28日 Update

Carrying a Heavy Bag Everyday? Here are Tips for Lighten Your Purse.

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Your heavy purse is making you tired?

Carrying a big and heavy purse is a physical burden that tires you out. Also, having less is less mess. You don’t have to go through a whole bag to find keys!

Small purse


First of all you don’t want to carry around a big purse if you want to lighten your purse.
Keep it simple in a small purse.

Small wallet


In a small purse, you need a small wallet. Isn’t your wallet has so much stuff and weighs a lot, even though you use one credit card?

Get rid of the cards


How many cards are you carrying around? Do you use all of them in a day?
You can have a digital version of membership cards, or point card numbers on your phone.
If you decide to use a smaller wallet mentioned earlier, you need to select the ones you actually need.

No Receipt


Do you always keep receipts after shopping? They can add up so quick, but do you actually look at them again?
If you want to keep track on what you spend money on, get digital receipts, or take pictures of receipts on your phone.
The only receipts you want to keep is for the item you might return later.
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