2017年2月20日 Update

How Is Your Stomach Feeling? 4 Healthy Foods to Improve Your Digestion

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How often do you have stomachache or heartburn?

If you think you have these very often, it might be time to rethink your eating habits and what you eat. Have you thought about the foods and how they get digested in your stomach?

Foods that helps digetsion

We eat foods and digest them. Some food are nice on your stomach, but some take more time to digest. Think about after you eat deep fried food and after you eat soup, which one do you think is better to your stomach and digestion?
There are some foods that actually help digestion. Take these foods often to stay healthy.

There are 4 important factors to help digestion

For better digestion, you need 4 important factors, high fiber, healthy fat, enzymes and probiotic.
Each of 4 foods below is for each factors.

Chia Seed

Chia seeds for high fiber diet.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a healthy fat. Instead of using butter and other oils, try using coconut oil.

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