2017年3月21日 Update

Easy Pilates Routines for Beginners That Work Your Body Core!

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This exercise requires core strength from your abs to hamstrings. Try to do it in a proper posture for better results.

Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on mat, arms along sides. Exhale and roll hips off mat toward ceiling. Holding this position, extend right leg and kick it to ceiling with pointed toe. Flex right heel and lower leg to level of left knee. Do 3 reps, then place right foot on mat. Extend left leg and repeat on the other side, then roll hips down to mat to return to starting position.

Single Leg Teaser

This exercise requires balance to keep your body in a right position, which works your core.

Lying on your back, walk your feet in closer together, with your legs at a longer angle (not right in near your hands) (a). Extend one leg out, tightly hugging your inner thighs and knees together (b). Reach your fingers for your toes. Piece by piece, start to slowly round your body up reaching for those toes (c). Roll down only to your shoulder tips, come right back up and reach (d). Repeat four times. Place that foot down, send the other one out, and repeat 4 times.
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