2017年1月10日 Update

Raining on your jogging day? Here are running/jogging alternatives for rainy days!

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You were planning to go run today, but it is raining outside?

You might have lost the motivation because of the weather, but there are many exercises you can do on rainy days!


Go to a nearby pool and swim. You will use your entire body while swimming. You can set a goal to swim longer distances or you can try to swim faster. If you want to workout effectively by swimming, try to keep a right form.


If you have stairs in your house, going up and down is a good alternative for jogging. You can hold weight, too!




It is not an exercise technically, but it burns calorie like one. On rainy weekends, it might be a good idea to do an intense cleaning and workout!


Pick a playlist and just dance! You don’t have to think too much, just move your body with your favorite music! If you want to have something to watch, you can play you favorite dancers’ videos on YouTube and try to do the same moves! Or there are many dancing exercise YouTube videos, too!
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