2016年9月3日 Update

6 Activities You Can Do to Get Refreshed in Weekends!

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Scientists gathering data on meditation have found that a consistent practice not only boosts the mind, but it also bolsters the body. Studies bear out that meditation can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain, and support the immune system, better enabling it to fight disease.


Pick an inspiring book!

How many books do you have sitting on your shelves that are still unread? Many people acquire great books with the best intentions of actually consuming what is written in them, but then fall behind in actually getting them read. Many of these great books can be read in a weekend. Find some good light, a comfortable chair, and dig in. You can be entertained and inspired and actually learn something.


Write down everything. You can get refreshed and a different views!

Stressed? Instead of gnawing on that pencil, put it to paper to help erase tension and increase self-esteem . Recent research suggests expressive writing can be a therapeutic, constructive way to cope with stress and reduce symptoms of depression .
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