2016年9月5日 Update

Have Tired Legs? Here are the Remedies You can Try at Home

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At the end of the day, you have tired legs...

Taking a nice warm bath and massage would be the best solution, but if you don't have time, try these remedies.

What are tired legs?


There can be countless reasons behind the pain in legs but if it is restless leg syndrome than there are three possibilities behind this Life style factors, some psychological problems and may be some medical conditions can be cause of it. Stress poor food selection, wearing high heels and having weight may cause to tired legs these are our life factors which can affect our life. Psychologically stress, grief can also be a cause. Some medicines also become a reason sometimes like heart disease and liver failure medication. In severe condition we must go to a doctor but we can also take care of this problem with home remedies.

Hot water in a Bucket

Even if you don't have time for a warm bath, foot bath will help you.

Get a bucket of warm water; however make sure that it’s not very hot. Add some salt to it, a tablespoon should be enough, and dip your legs in the water for almost 15-20 minutes. This quick remedy is sure to help you get relief from tired legs.

Peppermint Tea


Peppermint tea has many stress relieving properties. In case you do not have peppermint oil, use your cup of peppermint tea to relieve your leg fatigue. Simply pour the tea into a tub of hot water and soak your legs.

Clove Oil


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