2016年7月31日 Update

6 Yoga Pose You Can Do While Traveling

While you are travelling, you tend to forget your daily fitness routines. Here are 6 yoga poses, you can do easily on your vacation.

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Start in a standing position and open your legs a little further than hip-wide. Your toes are turned slightly outward.

Inhale and come into a deep squat. If your heels do not touch the ground, put a rolled towel under your heels, so that they do not hang in the air.

Bring your hands in Anjali mudra (prayer position) before your heart. Press gently with your elbow against your inner leg (close to the knee), so that the groins and hips open slightly more. (You choose your right dosage here.)

Raise your sternum and push the tailbone towards the floor, so that your back remains long and erect.

Take 5-6 quiet breaths and then come back into a standing position.

How To Do MALASANA (GARLAND POSE) & Its Benefits - YouTube

LEARN MALASANA (GARLAND POSE) step by step, it's health benefits & breathing pattern. Malasana, or Garland Pose, is a yogi窶冱 squat. In it you utilize the com...

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Downward Facing Dog pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga - YouTube

http://www.EkhartYoga.com One of the most practiced Yoga Poses, Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana, learn what to do and what not to do in this ...

Dangle Pose


To come into the pose, simply stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and fold forward grasping the opposite elbow with each hand. While a bend in the knees may take some of the stretching of the hamstrings away, this allows the spine to stretch and release further. You may find that your body sways a bit as you settle into the pose, so listen to what your body is asking for as you begin to find stillness.
The typical 3-5 minutes in a Yin pose may be too intense for some here, but splitting the pose up into two two-minute increments is a nice alternative.
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