2016年7月31日 Update

6 Yoga Pose You Can Do While Traveling

While you are travelling, you tend to forget your daily fitness routines. Here are 6 yoga poses, you can do easily on your vacation.

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Are you planning a trip this summer?

Don't stop your daily fitness routine. Here are 6 yoga pose you can keep in the destination of your trip.

Eagle Pose (Garudasana)


Enhances the sense of balance of the body.
Strengthens the muscles of the legs.
Also loosens the joints of the legs.
provides flexibility in legs and joints.
- Stand erect with both feet joined together and arms by your sides.
- Fix your eyes at a point ahead a bit below your eye level.
- Raise your right foot and wrap it around the left leg.
- As you inhale, bend your elbows and bring them in front of the chest.
- Now, wrap your forearms with each other, and join the palms to resemble an eagle’s beak, or form Namaste Mudra.
- As you exhale, slightly bend the left knee and lower your body.
- Erect your spine more for a balance.
- Hold this position to as long as you can with normal breathing.
- Inhaling, return to the base position by raising your body slowly, and release the legs and arms gently.
- Repeat with the alternate set of legs and arms.
- Lastly, come into Shithil Tadasan and relax.

How to Do an Eagle Pose (Garudasana) | Yoga - YouTube

Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Fierce Pose, also called Revolved Chair Pose) | The Kaivalya Yoga Method | Alanna Kaivalya (2570)

In standing position, keep feet and knees together.
Bend knees, lower hips.
Bring hands to prayer at heart.
Twist to the right, placing left elbow outside right knee.
Press thumbs to sternum, opening chest and deepen twist.

Revolved Chair Pose | Perfect Posture | Dana Damara - YouTube

Learn to perfect the Revolved Chair Pose with Chakra expert Dana Damara in her Muladhara Flow Series. LESSON HERE: http://grok.kr/8V04la Good posture helps u...

Wide-legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana C)


Yoga Shoulder Alignment and Rotation in Prasarita Padottanasana C with Kino - YouTube

If you’re looking for yoga videos that will show you the perfect way for you to start your yoga journey then Kino MacGregor’s yoga channel is perfect for you...

Garland Pose (Malasana)

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