2017年2月19日 Update

5 Life Habits to Prevent Catching A Cold

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People around you are catching cold?

When you hear somebody at your work is sick, you think you are fine. But if you are not careful, you are the one who will be sick next. Here are the simple habits to prevent catching a cold.
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These habits will make you healthier

These five habits are not only to prevent a cold but also to have a healthier life in general. Keep these things in your mind all the time.
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Keep your hands clean


Washing your hands before you eat is very important to keep the germs and viruses away from your body. Wash your hands with soap and dry them . You can keep hand sanitizer in your bag to go in case it's hard to find a place to wash your hands.



Sleeping for enough amount of time everyday will boost your immune system and prevent getting sick.


Frequent workout habits willake you stronger and improve your immunity.
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