2017年4月2日 Update

Do Not Just Wash! Try These Things in the Shower to Be Beautiful!

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What do you do in the shower?

image on We Heart It (17849)

You will wash your body and hair in the shower. This is one way to make your body more beautiful, but do you know that there are more things you can do in the shower? Try these in-shower beauty routines!

Dry brushing


Right before showering, try dry brushing your body. Brush on your body toward your heart for a few minutes. It will increase the blood circulation and help your body to flush out toxins.

Use essential oil


Using essential oils in shower or bath will change your mood. If you are taking a shower to relax your body before going to bed, try relaxing scents like lavender. For morning shower, energy boost essential oils will help you start a day!

Quick facial


Use wash off facial masks in the shower couple times a week. Doing sheet masks for 30 minutes on weekends is a great idea, but if your skin needs a rest, wash off masks are the ways to go!



Spend a minutes without doing anything in the shower. Imagine your negative thoughts get washed off. Meditation in the shower is a great way to start meditation, since you can clearly imagine the effect of meditation.
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