2017年1月10日 Update

Are you eating vegetables enough everyday? Here are the tips to take enough veggies daily!

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Do you know how much vegetables you need to eat everyday?

The recommended amount of vegetable is depends on sex and age.
Female in their 20s - 50s are recommended to eat 2 and half cups and 3 cups for male.

How much veggies in a cup?


If you are eating leafy vegetable it takes up much more space. So, 2 cups of leafy veggies counts as 1 cup. If you are eating cooked veggie or drinking 100% vegetable juice, 1 cup of those are 1 cup.

What are the easy way to get all those veggies?


If you are not eating enough vegetables now, it might be hard for you to start eating this much.
Here are the tips to eat that much of vegetables everyday.

With eggs

If you like omelet or frittata, put vegetables in it! Onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, etc... There are many veggies good with eggs!

Meal Prep


Prepare the vegetable ahead of time. You can grill, boil, steam them or you can make salad to go!
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