7 Ways to Keep Your Workout Motivation Longer

When you decided to do workout everyday, you are very motivated. But, what about you after a few days...? Here are tips to keep the motivation for workout!


Do you have any strategy to keep the workout motivation?

Starting exercise is a great decision, but, once you started, it is hard to keep the motivation.
Here are 7 tips to stay motivated!

Set a goal

There’s nothing more motivating — sometimes even scary — than that first 5K looming in bold letters on the calendar. Register early and commit to an exercise program that will get you in shape by race day.

Plan ahead

Using a preset plan will let you plan ahead! Use them wisely!

In February, I challenged myself to do 200 miles of cardio (ski machine, elliptical, rowing machine, bike). I kept a log (old-school pen and paper) and logged in how much I did on what machine that day. When all was said and done, I averaged six days a week and ended up with 220 miles. There were several days that I wanted to skip, but did not due to the challenge. My pants are already feeling looser. —tabbycat31

Get your favorite outfits

You know how when you get new shirt or dress, you're in a better mood to go out on a Saturday night? Well, the same can apply to working out. Putting on the same sweats and sports bra day after day can get old fast and become just another reason not to motivate. So once a month, treat yourself to a new piece of fitness fashion. Before you know it, you'll be in such great shape, you'll find yourself in the dressing room trying on those itty bitty Spandex shorts you swore you'd never be caught dead in. Because damn, you look good in them.

First thing in the morning

Literally. Get up an hour earlier three days a week and work out first thing in the morning, before work. If you plan to go after work, it's a lot easier to tell yourself you had an especially exhausting day and throw in the towel.

Keep a workout diary

I write down how I feel after a workout every single time. So, when I am low on motivation to wake up and go for a run or a workout, I pull out the doc and read how great I felt after completing a five-miler. This really works for me because I get out of the bed knowing that at the end of the workout, I feel the same amazing feeling again! —Aishwarya Subramanian, via Facebook

Positive Thinking

Devotees of positive thinking have long promoted visualizing the benefits of a behavior as a motivational strategy. For example, when I’m deciding whether to get out of bed to go running in the morning, it helps to imagine how the sun will feel on my face as I run around the reservoir. Or how delighted I’ll be when I see my new muscles developing.

Have fun

By nature, humans need change and variety to stay motivated. We also need to have fun — even while we’re working hard. Do both!

Stay motivated and achieve the goal!