Losing your eyelashes and eyebrows when you have stress? How to keep your eyelashes and eyebrows


Many women have a problem loosing eyelashes when they feel stress

Do you realize losing your eyelashes and eyebrows when you feel stress? Losing eyelashes and eyebrows are a common problem for women.

Your metabolism changes

As you age, your metabolism slows down and that makes it easier to suffer from little imbalances that lead to hair loss. The follicles are less stimulated, meaning that hair growth slows. Eyelashes, for example, tend to fall out faster than they can be replaced.

How can you treat hair loss in eyebrows and eyelashes?

You should eat below foods


Eggs contain a lot of vitamins, protein, and minerals.


Carrots support your normal metabolism and also improve your vision.


Broccoli includes Kale which reduced a risk of heart disease.

Apply with olive oil

Apply with vaseline