2017年4月1日 Update

Let's fight against hay fever!! Here is a natural way to relieve your allergies

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Do you suffer from heavy hay fever?

Do you suffer from seasonal hay fever?
If you say "YES" you should do below's a natural way to relieve your allergies.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (17817)

Reducing to drink coffee

If you drink coffee every day, try to reduce every second or three days.
If you drink many cups of coffee a day, try to cut a cup of coffee a day.
Lots of caffeine can trigger histamine release.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (17822)

Stop to eat sugary snacks

Sugar can trigger a blood sugar spike.
If you like sweet snacks, you should eat dried fruit, fresh fruits, and natural honey instead of refined sugar.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (17825)

Don't eat plants in the sunflower family

If ragweed triggers your symptoms, avoid its edible relatives as well: tarragon, artichokes, endive, and chamomile tea.
What Foods To Eat To Beat Hay Fever | Reader's Digest (17827)

Eat garlic

Eating garlic help boost your body's immune system. It also garlic has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (17833)

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