2017年2月16日 Update

Feeling Lazy On Weekends? Ways to Make Your Day Off More Productive!

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Weekends just pass so quick without doing anything productive?

On your day off, you realize you hasn't done anything because of being lazy?
Successful people utilize their day off. Here are tips to be more productive on your day off!

Make a short to-do list

If you want to relax but also finish things you cannot do on weekdays, make a short to-do list.
The point is to make it short to make sure you'll do them all.

Get up in the morning

Catching up the sleep is important, but don't sleep too much. Get up and get the stuff done in the morning. You'll have free time later without caring all the stuff you need to do.

Take a nap

Instead of catching the sleep in the morning by sleeping in, take a nap.
It will be the extra time for your body to rest.

Stay away from technology

If you are spending so much time on your computer and phone for work, stay away from them on your day off.

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