2017年1月25日 Update

Too Lazy For Skincare? Here Is A Check List For Lazy Girl Skincare Routine!

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Are you a lazy girl?

It’s okay to be lazy, as long as you do the things on this check list!
Here is a checklist for lazy girls to take care of their skin!
this is so cute by e m m i <3 | WHI (15224)



Sunscreen is one of the things you cannot skip.
If you skin sunscreen and your skin gets damaged, you will need the intensive care.
To avoid the hassle, use sunscreen everyday to protect you skin.

Remove Makeup


Even if you are lazy, don’t be lazy about getting rid of make up at the end of the day. You do not want any makeup left on your skin, when you go to bed at night. This is the key to keep clean and young skin without troubles.



Let’s say you don’t wear makeup one day, you still get dirt and other stuff on you face throughout a day. You don’t want keep those nasty stuff, either. Even on the day without makeup, don’t forget to clean your face before going to bed.


After your skin gets naked, it will dry. Don’t forget to moisturize your face. Dry skin will make you look tired the next morning and you want to avoid that.

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