2017年3月7日 Update

DIY Shampoo Recipe that You Can Customize How You Want!

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Have you tried DIY shampoo you can make at home?

It is pretty easy to make your own shampoo at home. DIY hair care is better for your hair in many ways.

Why you should use make your own shampoo?

The hair care products you buy at store are actually harmful on your hair and scalp. Have you checked the label on your shampoo bottle? There are usually some chemicals that you should avoid for your health.

DIY shampoo to protect your hair

If you really think about your hair and health, you may want to know what’s in the items you use daily. Also, you can adjust the formula to meet your needs.

DIY Shampoo Recipe

Here is a recipe for DIY shampoo! Check it step by step!

Step 1. Get natural liquid soap

For the base, get natural liquid soap. You can find these online or at the stores carrying organic cosmetic items.
One of the popular ones is Dr. Bronners.

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