2017年3月20日 Update

You Can Make Your Own Energy Drink! Homemade Energy Drink Recipes Using Green Tea!

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Did you know that you can make your own energy drink?

We don't really know what's in those energy drinks we buy at stores. However, you can make your own energy drink and know all the ingredients in it. Enjoy homemade energy drinks that keep you active all day!

What are the key ingredients?

For many of these homemade energy drinks, tea and coffee become a base. Also, sugars are an important factor to energize you. Many recipes use fruits to get all the sweetness. Here we have the recipes with green tea!

Energy Shot


This energy shot is perfect as a pre-workout drink. Green tea is the key for this energy recipe. You can drink it like a shot, or you can mix with water or carbonated water!

2-3 bags of green tea*
1 bag herbal passion tea
2oz water
2 tsp lemon juice
Water enhancer flavor drops (your preferred flavor) or liquid stevia extract*
Pinch of cayenne (optional)
1. Steep tea bags in hot water for ~5 minutes.
2. Add lemon juice, flavor drops or stevia extract (sweeten to taste), and cayenne (if using). Chill until cool and ready to serve.
3. Option 1: Drink as is (if making energy shot) // Option 2: If you prefer to consume it as a drink, top with 8oz sparkling water.

Cherry Lemonade Energy Drink


This one also has green tea as a base. Very healthy drink that boosts the energy! Mix the ingredient in a pitcher.

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