2016年7月6日 Update

Best 5 Fruit Infused Detox Water for Losing Weight

Do you like fruit infused water? Here are best 5 detox fruit infused water recipes for weight loss.

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Love fruit infused water? Here are the best 5 recipes for you!

To lose weight, we need to increase water intake. If it is hard for you to drink a lot of water, try fruit infused water.

Never made one?
It is easy! Cut up your favorite fruits and put it in water!

You can make detox water in a pitcher

Or, you can make it in a jar

Or you can make it in a bottle to go!

1. Strawberry + Lime + Cucumber + Mint

Mint, cucumber, and lime makes the water taste refreshing. Strawberries add sweetness to the water.

1 cup sliced strawberries
1 cup sliced cucumbers
2 limes, sliced
¼ cup fresh mint leaves
Ice cubes

Apple + Cinnamon

Did you know both apples and cinnamon raise your metabolism? Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants and flavanoids, including Vitamins C and B Complex. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

1 gallon of purified water
4 to 6 apples
6 cinnamon sticks

Lemon + Ginger

Ginger is a powerful detox ingredient that helps to kick start your metabolism. Sipping a ginger infused beverage will have your metabolism on the rise throughout the day, allowing you to flush fat even as you take in your daily meals, and will burn extra calories as you workout. Lemons are a natural detoxifier. And with their diuretic effect, your body will more easily shed unwanted toxins.
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