2017年2月8日 Update

For business women!! Surprising beauty benefits coffee grounds

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Have you ever used coffee grounds on your face?

Coffee grounds are used many kinds of beauty today.
This article is how to use and benefits coffee grounds for your beauty and health.
Beauty Myth Busters: Coffee Grinds | The Daily Frizz (15887)

Puffy eyes

When you get up and see your face in the mirror, you might see puffy eyes on your face.
After drinking a morning coffee, saving the grounds from the pot of coffee, and cool them down.
Apply to them on your under eyes and waiting for 20 minutes, after that rinse the grounds with cool water.
How to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles (15891)


Using coffee grounds is the best way for an Exfoliator.
Coffee grounds make a great scrub for your skin, and coffee beans boost collagen production.
7 Exfoliation Mistakes You Should Avoid (15894)

Increase blood circulation

Make ice cubes of coffee, and just take one of the cubes and gently trace your eye and cheek area.
If you do this every morning, your face will be getting brighter.
9 Natural Ways To Increase Red Blood Cells Count  | Best Health Tips (15897)

Soften lips

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of coffee grounds and 1/2 teaspoon of honey, and gently rub this on your lips.
After 30 seconds, remove with a wet washcloth.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (15905)

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