2017年3月10日 Update

Have you ever been HOT YOGA? Here are HOT YOGA benefits

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What is HOT YOGA?

The original hot yoga is at 105 degrees Fahrenheit, 40% humidity and usually 60 to 90 minutes.
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How is HOT YOGA good for your body?

While there's not a huge amount of scientific research exploring the question, several studies have been made. The open question, though, is whether hot yoga does anything for you that regular yoga doesn't.
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Increased Flexibility

Any types yoga will increase your flexibility.
Step by step your muscles will be soft and flexible.
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Weight loss

Some survey says hot yoga is good for weight loss.
Moreover, your body shape will be slim and healthy.
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Clear skin

When you do hot yoga, you will sweat too much. Your dead skin and old acid will flush from your surface skin.
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