Want to be more clever? Here are tips to improve your brain health.


My brain used work a lot better and faster…

Do you feel this sometimes? It can be related to aging, stress, and other reasons. However, there are ways to improve your brain health. Don’t give up!


It’s proven that exercise is good for your brain as well as your body. Blood flows better with exercise. You don’t have to do anything hard. Just try to go for a walk first. You will see the difference.

Brain Exercise

There are many way for brain exercise. You can play brain games or do puzzles. Using your brain different way from daily routines will make a difference.

Eat better

Your food definitely affects your brain. Eat healthy and take these nutrients especially works on your brain health.

Remember your Bs. Three B vitamins, folic acid, B6, and B12, can help lower your homocysteine levels, high levels of which have been linked to an increased risk of dementia. Fortified cereal, other grains, and leafy green vegetables are good sources of B vitamins.

Sleep well

The day after you stayed up, you don’t feel the same as usual. Brain needs a rest, too. Sleep well to keep your brain work well.

Think positive

Studies show that positive thinking improves brain health!

This effect is so well known that is referred to by psychologists as the Rosenthal-Jacobsen 1968 finding after the two psychologists who first discovered it. What this research suggests is that if we set high standards for ourselves and are helped believe that achieving them is possible, they become possible. On the other hand, children who are made to feel that there is little point in them trying to reach high standards give up easily and do not reach their potential.