Want to feel powerful? How to be more energetic all day!


It is cold and you are feeling tired all day?

There are ways to be more energized all day!
These habits will give other benefits such as better skin and weight loss, too!

Feel the light when you get up

You need to reset the internal clock every morning to keep energized all day.
Don't stay too long in the bed. Get up and open a curtain to feel the warm sunshine.

Don't forget breakfast

Even if you are not hungry or don'r have enough time, don't forget to eat something in the morning.
Breakfast will boost your energy all day!

Eat every 3-4 hours

Have snack between your meals.
Something healthy like nuts, granola bar, and fruits will be perfect for snack.
Your eating pattern will be like,
breakfast - morning snack - lunch - afternoon snack - dinner.
Having light meals and healthy snack will keep you energy at the same level throughout a day.

Fish oil

Eat seafood or take supplements to get the omega 3s.
It will boost your energy and keep you healthy.

Drink water

Drink enough water everyday.
Dehydration can cause fatigue, sleepiness, headache, etc...
Stay hydrated!

Go outside

Are you always spend time inside a building?
You need to go outside to feel refreshed.
You can eat lunch at a park or you can do some work outside, too.

Sleep enough everyday

Don't try to get all the sleep on weekends.
To feel energized all day, you need to take a rest every night.