Want a Hourglass Waist? Tips for Slimming Your Waist


You want to get a slim waist before the summer comes?

If you are thinking so, it's time to start working on it! Here are some tips to help you slim your waist!

Think about what you drink

In order to lose weight, you need to drink a lot of water. To slim your waist, this is important, too.
There are more rules and recommended drinks you can choose.

No soda, No carbonated water

Some people love to drink carbonated water to keep them full, but since carbonated water can get you bloated, it is not the best choice for flat belly.

Tea is better than coffee

If you start your day with a cup of coffee, do not add sugar or cream. If you can change the morning drink to tea, it is a better choice. You can drink something like ginger honey tea, or hot green tea to help boost metabolism.

Eat healthy

Start eating small five or six meals, instead of big three meals. When you eat, try to get well-balanced fiber-rich meals with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

Work your core

In order to get a hourglass waist, you need to work your core. An exercise ball is a great way to do this. When you workout, use a balance ball to focus on core. For example you can do crunches on an exercise ball to enhance the effect on your abs.

Effective workout for slimming waist

Check out some of the effective waist slimming exercise! You can find workout routines for slimming your waste!

Exercises to Get a Smaller Waist - Ejercicios para abdomen y cintura - YouTube

There are some specific exercises you can do that target and trim up your waistline. Include these exercises in your daily routine to see best results. Ejerc...

Try hard to slim your waist before the summer!