4 Daily Habits You Need Fix for Weight Loss

Are you keeping these eating habits? Then you might be having hard time losing weight.


Are you on a diet?

But, having hard time losing weight?

Maybe you are keeping these 4 bad eating habits...

Need to fix these 4 habits for weight loss!

1. Skip breakfast

If you're trying to save calories, skipping your morning meal won't help as much as you think. Not only will you be more apt to overeat later in the day, but also, a healthy breakfast will give you the energy you need to tackle your day.

2. Not sleeping enough

Sleep loss makes you feel hungry even if you are full, because sleep loss affects the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite, studies show. Also, sleep loss increases fat storage in your body.

3. Eating while doing something

Eat on the desk

Everyone is time-crunched, so it makes sense these days to eat when and where we can — in the car, at our desks and in front of the TV. Unfortunately, when we tune into work or to our favorite show, we generally tune out healthy eating habits and don't pay attention to internal cues that tell us we're full. Make time for meals as often as you can. When you designate only the dining room, kitchen and restaurants as places to eat, you're less likely to be distracted and overeat.

Eating while watching TV

Another thing to keep in mind is that you put things in your mouth mechanically, which can cause, in addition to obesity, stomach pains and “pigging out”. All of this gets worse when you see food commercials because they stimulate you to eat more and want to eat this type of food more (which is not healthy at all). People that watch more television tend to have worse diets, as well as having a sedentary lifestyle and not exercising.

4. Not drinking enough water

Be sure to sip water frequently throughout the day — not only will switching juice and soda for water save you calories, but also, making sure you're not dehydrated will help you perform better during your workouts. Water is your weight-loss friend, so be sure to always have your bottle handy.

Stop these habits and lose weight faster!