2016年12月19日 Update

5 Awesome Tips for Winter Skincare

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How to Protect Your Skin During Dry Winter

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winter is the time when our skin does not like to cooperate with us.

1. Keep your showers and baths short and not too hot

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The shower is not the time to get lost in your thoughts. All of the dermatologists insist that you shower like the National Resources Defense Council is watching you. The ideal temperature is lukewarm, sort of like your feelings toward oatmeal cookies.

2. Papaya, Banana, Honey Face Pack

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Papayas contain antioxidants and bananas are known for their vitamin content. These two fruits also work as anti-aging agents.


A piece of ripe papaya

A banana

2 tablespoons honey

How to apply

1. Mash the papaya and banana so that no lumps remain.
2. Add the honey and mix well.
3. Apply this paste on your face and other dry areas on your body.

3. Pat down

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