2016年12月19日 Update

5 Awesome Tips for Winter Skincare

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Eucerin: Dry skin | Rough and cracked body skin – how to deal with it (11357)

Don't rub the water away after your shower – you want to dab or pat off the excess instead, so you leave a little extra moisture on the skin. Then lock it in with lotion right away.

4. Eat more fish

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First, eat more foods with omega-3s, which includes basically everything in the fish family: salmon, sardines, anchovies, sablefish, and halibut. If you can’t do that, you can take fish-oil capsules instead.

5. Milk it

Winter Skincare Tips, From Head to Toe - Health.com (11362)

If your arms or legs look scaly, try a 12 percent lactic acid lotion
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