2017年4月16日 Update

7 Natural Allergy Remedies to Try to Improve Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

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It is getting warmer, and some of you might start getting the allergy symptoms. Here are natural remedies for allergy that scientific studies suggest the effects.

Fresh citrus juice

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If you want to try something yummy, make your own fresh juice. It doesn’t have to be that much. Get 2 oranges and a half lemon and squeeze them in a glass. If you want to add sweetness to it, add some honey. Honey also works as allergy remedies.



The benefits of probiotics on digestive organs are well known, but many people don’t know probiotics’ effects on seasonal allergy symptoms. Further studies still need to be made, but a study shows that the probiotics improve nasal congestion.

Fish oil supplements


Fish oil has a lot of health benefits, and the study says reducing allergy symptoms is one of them. According to study, people who took fish oil supplements everyday for a month showed a lower level of chemicals that cause allergy.



Have you tried active acupuncture that uses the needles? A study shows the effects of active acupuncture on seasonal allergy patients. Researchers conclude that active acupuncture may improve immune systems.

Local bee pollen

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