It's Spring! Eat Spring Veggies! Health Benefits of Spring Vegetables


Do you like vegetables?

Many vegetables are in season in spring! Many of the spring veggies have wonderful health benefits. Enjoy the tastes and the benefits of spring vegetables!


Asparagus contains strong antioxidants, especially high in glutathione that fights free radicals in the body. Asparagus is also rich in folate, fibre,vitamin A, C, E, and K.


Broccoli is known to reduce the cancer risk. It is a source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium. Also, broccoli helps to reduce the symptoms of allergies. If your allergy is severe in spring, broccoli might help.


Artichokes are great for your heart health, because they are high in potassium. Also, antioxidants in artichoke helps the immune system.


This is another vegetable that can reduce the risk of cancer. Cauliflowers are high in sulforaphane, which fight cancer cells. If you are going for healthy recipes, you can find a lot of recipes with cauliflower. You'll be surprised how it can be cooked!


Cabbage has very low calories per serving. It has vitamin K for brain functions, and potassium for blood pressure. There are many ways to use cabbage. You can eat cabbage in salad, stir-fry, or even in smoothies.


Spinach is another vegetable with low calories. It contains high levels of many important nutrients, such as vitamins (A, B2, B6, C, E, K), magnesium, iron, Manganese, iron, and so on.

Why veggies in season matter?

Because of advanced agriculture and transportation, we can get any vegetables in any seasons. However, if you want local organic vegetables for healthy eating, vegetables that are in season become cheaper with higher quality. It is the great chance to get the great health benefits from them!