2017年2月6日 Update

You Don't Need So Many Makeup Items! Benefits and Tips of Minimalist Makeup Routines

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Wondering why do you need to wear makeup everyday?

You get up early everyday to get ready in the morning?
You put the makeup on, but you are not really satisfied?
Then, you might want to think about simplifying your makeup routine.

There are many benefits of minimalist makeup routines

Save time

Time is precious. Especially in the morning.
You can do only so much in the limited time.
Is makeup worth spending that precious time for you?
If you say no, or you are not really sure, minimalist makeup routine will change your life.

Less is more

If you are not sure that makeup makes you look better, try put less stuff on your face.
You will notice what less is more means.
Still, to protect your skin, wearing some makeup items are recommended.

Personally, sometimes I regret wearing makeup during a day.
After getting sweaty because of the weather or when using cameras are some of those moments.
If you have thought something like this, consider to change the makeup routine.

Tips of minimalist makeup routine

Here are the check list what you need to have in your makeup routine.
These are just examples. Customize you routine as you like!


A makeup primer will make your skin look more smooth.
Primers with SPF will protect you skin from the sunlight.
This is the item you need for the look and protection.
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