Start Running is the New Year Resolution? Here are the tips to begin running for your health!


To start running will be a good new year resolution to change your life!

If you are not exercising frequently, to start running would feel difficult. Here are a few tips you can follow!

Set a goal!

Set your goal to stay focused! Running 5K or planning to participate in a race would be a good ones!

Start with walking

Both Kawamoto and Fitzgerald recommended starting small, especially if you’re running for the very first time or haven’t exercised in a while. Kawamoto recommends one minute of brisk walking, followed by one minute of jogging, repeated 10 to 15 times. Start doing this twice a week and see how you feel.

Do this step very gradually, just a little more each time. For this step, you’ll continue to exercise 4 times a week. You want to warm up by walking for 10 minutes. Then do a very, very easy run/walk routine: jog lightly for 1 minute (or 30 seconds if that seems too hard), then walk for 2 minutes. Repeat these intervals for 10-15 minutes, then do a 10-minute walking cool down. Do this step for two weeks, or longer if you like.

Get motivated with the outfit!

Your favorite workout clothes and running shoes will keep you motivated!

Use creative apps

Some creative apps will help you enjoy running!

For many of us living in an age of digitized instant gratification, running isn’t always the most exciting fitness activity. While some may find running meditative, others find it remarkably dull. Zombies, Run! is one app that manages to make running truly, authentically fun. Zombies, Run! combines audiobook storytelling with exercise, with a narrative that will keep you hitting the street time after time.

Run a few days a week

You know how we just said that “go hard or go home” isn’t really a thing when you’re getting started with running? Well that’s as much about your overall weekly mileage as it is each individual run. Fitzgerald recommends that new runners start with two to three days of running each week. Then, after you’ve been running for four to six weeks, you can add an additional day of short, easy running to your week.