Get More Sleep in 2017 ! A New Year is Chance to Start Fresh !


Is getting more sleep on your priority list for 2017 ?

More sleep means more weight loss, more energy for workouts, less getting sick, and lowered stress levels.


Here is your New Year's Resolution

Understand your sleep patterns

Use a sleep tracker to figure out your sleep patterns. When you start a new diet, you must measure your current weight and percentage of body fat. When you start a new sleep regime, you must place the same (if not higher) level of attention. Every person is different, it’s worth to figure out what type of sleeper you are before jumping into a new routine.

If you can’t sleep, get out of bed

If you’ve been trying for more than 20 minutes, get out of bed and go do something else. Don’t use your computer, phone, or watch TV though — those can all make sleep problems worse.

Get Your Bed Sorted

People with uncomfortable beds, which can cause muscular aches and back pain, sleep on average one hour less each night, the Sleep Assessment & Advisory Service in Edinburgh has found. Deep sleep does not start until after the first 90 minutes of rest, so if you wake up every 2 hours due to a poor quality mattress, you are not getting enough deep sleep. To ensure you get a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep invest in a good mattress that is right for you.

Avoiding bright lights from TVs, smartphones, and computers

The brain decreases its natural sleep hormone, melatonin, when exposed to bright light at night. Try to unplug for an hour before bed."

Stop freaking out about sleep

The chronic inability to sleep is horribly frustrating, and people who start to face the night with dread and stare at their clocks until it’s time to get up start to develop negative emotions like fear, anxiety, and anger that they associate with trying to sleep.