Go back to nice and clean skin! How to get rid of acne marks.


We don't want acne...

We don't want acne scars, either!
Here are tips to get rid of those acne marks you don't like!

Acne marks and acne scars

Maybe you think acne scars and marks are the same things, but they are actually not.
Acne marks are red or brown marks that go away in 3 to 6 months. Acne scars are the ones that do not go away due to collagen damage.

How to get rid of acne scars and marks

Here are various ways you can do at home!

Fresh lemon juice

Put a few table spoon of fresh lemon juice on cotton balls and put it on acne scars. Leave it for 30 mins and rinse it off. You will see the effects in 2-3 weeks.
When doing this home remedy, avoid UV. It might cause skin irritation.


UV will make those marks and scars worse. When you go out, protect them from UV.

Aloe vera

Get the gel inside a leaf, and rub it on your skin. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash your skin.
When you use natural aloe, you don't have think too much about skin irritation.


Slice a cucumber and put it on skin. Wash you face after 30 mins.
For faster results, do it everyday.

Skin brightening

If you have skin brightening items or skin lightener you can use it on acne marks and scars!

For marks that are more brownish in color, skin lightening ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, hydroquinone, kojic acid, or licorice could help.